1. Whats your middle name?  - Binti. u mad ?
  2. How big is your bed? - Single bed je.
  3. What are you listening to right now? - On the floor
  4. What are the last 4 digits in your cellphone number? - 9114
  5. What was the last thing you ate? - Pizza
  6. Last person you hugged? - hmmm, tak prasanlah spe
  7. How is the weather right now? - A'ah sooo coollah. kat london kan
  8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? - Ibu kite
  9. What is the first thing u notice in the opposite sex? - entah ;)
  10. Favorite type of Food. - ape ape pun boleh, jnji halal
  11. Do you want children? - iye
  12. Do you drink? - hell no ! berdosa
  13. Hair color? - Black :D
  14. Eye colour? - Puerlple ;p
  15. Do you wear contacts/glasses? - nop
  16. Favorite holiday? - semua. hihihi
  17. Favorite Season? - ofcourse summer. malaysia mane prnah tak musim panas
  18. Have you ever cried over a girl/boy? - yeahh.
  19. Last Movie you Watched? - My sister's keeper :'(
  20. What books are you reading? - Dr. Jekyll and mr. hyde
  21. Piercings? - Ade. kat tlinge jelah
  22. Favorite Movie? - The karate kid
  23. Favorite college football Team? -
  24. What were you doing before filling this out? - tumblr-ing
  25. Any pets? -
  26. Dogs or cats? - cats lah
  27. Favorite Flower? - rose
  28. Have you ever loved someone? - seccreehhtt ^_^
  29. Who would you like to see right now? -
  30. Have you ever fired a gun? - tak
  31. Do you like to travel by plane? - suke sngat :D
  32. Right-handed or Left-handed? - left-handed
  33. If you could go to any place right now where would you go? - IF ehh, shopping mall jelah
  34. Are you missing someone? - no
  35. Do you have a tattoo? - nooooooooooooo
  36. Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings? - bngun pun pukul berape, mcmane nk tngok.
  37. Are you hiding something from someone? - YES. but idk what is that
  38. Are you 18? - under 18
  39. What you do before you go to bed? - pack my school bag