This story lil bit annoy for you but for me not :)
Yeah im shaking rite nowwwwwwwww babyh. seriously mcm tak percaya sia die follow kite balik. For you mybe 'alah budak gay tuh follow kau pun nk kecoh'. But for me it makes my day weyh. Okie, cite die mcm nie. I opened the tweetdeck. Then check die pun twitter. *mmng habit saya kalau bukak pc msti tngok twitter die. lol. Then nmpak die baru tweet something about 5 min ago. Then tweetdeck nie mcm best tau kalau kite tekan button follow then unfollow. kalau gune mozzila mcm lemss siket. Even dh bukak twetdeck but saya still on kat mozilla. Then tngah best best tekan button follow unfollow kat twitter Justin Bieber. Pastu pegilah chat dngan budak sbah nie kan. Then tetibe time saya pegi kat home twitter andd .................. i saw something wronggggggg. Then kite check lah kan sape pulak yg follow kite. Kite mmng dh biase default gmbar bieber tapi bukan bieber pun -,-. Then tetibe click kat name tuh die tulis JUSTINBIEBER. Mmng time tuh rase nk menjeretlah kan. But still i dont trust yg follow tuh Justin sbb i thought yg follow me back tuh @justiinbieberrr. Tapi dlm keadaan mengharap jugak lah kan yg follow tu Bieber. Then i open my hotmail, die ade tulis bieber is now following you. And hihihi, still tak percaya lagi mah, last sekali pegi check dekat www.doesfollow.com  BOOM, kat situ baru percaya weyh. Lastly apelagi kan, bajet ler dekat SUE. call sue pastu call meera sume kan. Hahaha, sumpah mcm budak gile. But whatever. I know this post kinda like bajet and kau benci Bieber lantak kau lah. Ade eden kesah. Oh btw, NEVER SAY NEVER WHATEVER YOU DO. Trust me :)

xoxo, sya rln