Hey yoo. I was born in 1996. So 90's and 2000's tersngatlah bebeza. Tapi 90's is the best :p. when i was young i used to see sailor moon. sekarang mane ade ann sailor moon tuh versi 90's. Then mane hidup zaman myspace facebook twitter and soo onn. Dulu busuk busuk pun mcm tv je. tv sekrang sume nk leper je. handphone pun mne ade mcm iphone skarang. cube phone yg mengkome bngga bnggakan dulu bawak kezaman sekrang, jdi phone cikai lah jwapnya. -,-. Sume dulu hidup sederhana je kalau sekarang hamekau, kalau boleh pgi shopping mall galaxy tab or ipad wajib ade kat tngan. sume nk touch screen kalau boleh. And peoples nowdays mcm lil bit lazy. just like me. *justsayin. kau nk main xbox kat atas tilam pon boleh. mcmana tak gemuk and nk sihat. besenam jngan citelah kan. kalau xbox or wii ade, for what the kids nk bersenam. so moral of this story is living in 90's is more better than 2000's. LOL